Custom courses

When you are just eager to learn more, we offer custom courses that are tailored to your requirements, current level of education and well suited to reach your goals.

Our portfolio currently consists of courses which combine elements of mathematics with their applications, programming, history, and philosophy of science, but we can also create together the custom course you want to take!

How does it work?

You can find our updated portfolio of courses below. What we do emphasize is that the courses are fully customizable:

  • we recommend at least 10 hours of study regardless of the subject and the goals, but we can make the courses as long as you want or need;

  • the courses can be held online, on the Microsoft Teams platform, or in person (currently in Bucharest only);

  • we can go as in depth as you need or want, focus on exercises, on programming, on the historical development, on practical applications;

  • you can even build your own professional portfolio with us! Design a project that interests you and start working on it, fully focused on this sole target. At the end, all the rights and ownership of the project is yours!

Use the contact form or write us an email to schedule a free advisory meeting so we can better understand your background and targets. Then, we create the perfect course just for you and start it as soon as you’re ready!

Our custom courses

  • Vectors and geometry have a great importance in computer graphics and game development. Besides, linear and abstract algebra are key components for such topics.

    We can teach you the most important subjects so you better understand the underlying mathematics and even start programming your own graphics applications!

    Prior knowledge of C++ and/or Python programming is a bonus, but not required: you can also learn them with us!

  • You’ve certainly heard of Alan Turing and his great breakthroughs, among which breaking the German Enigma code. But today’s hackers may seem intimidating and overpowering, exponentially more powerful than the WW2 cryptologists.

    One secret ingredient is mathematics and more precisely, abstract algebra. We show you the fundamentals that Cryptography heavily relies on so that you can understand the modern algorithms and even design some of your own!

  • …from the dawn of mankind up to at least the 1800s.

    An alternate title we thought about is “The Set of Real Numbers”, but we thought it was boring. However, we propose a course focusing exactly on this: sets, numbers and what makes some numbers “real” (what does that even mean?).

    Throughout, we will discuss fundamental topics such as infinity, continuity, structures, applications.

  • GNU/Linux is not just for programmers, nerds or geeks or cheapskates that don’t want to buy a Mac or a Windows license. It can be a great tool for learning, teaching, programming and everyday use. We will show you the basics, choose a distribution together and get you up and running for general and even more specialised tasks.

  • It sounds so abstract… but in fact, we just want to show you how to use special tools to compute, learn and communicate science.

    Ever heard of LaTeX and Beamer? Do you know MultiMarkdown? Ever used GeoGebra? Struggled with generating tables of contents and bibliography sections? You’ll ditch Microsoft Word and PowerPoint and you’ll have stunningly looking documents and presentations, beautifully typeset and easy to navigate!